Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Solar Home Tours
Broad Public Support for Utility-Scale Solar
Hawaii Interfaith Power and Light generally supports distributed energy production, e.g. household- or business-scale solar. By putting power in the hands of the people, we have not only control over our own energy production but also the responsibility to manage our own energy demands. Distributed energy production makes clear the direct link between energy demand and energy production. Such systems are also buffered against grid failure, power plant disruptions, and of course utility rate increases.
That said, building utility-scale solar plants is preferable to more fossil fuel-powered plants. For those of us in condos or apartment buildings who can't generate our own electricity, having the option of purchasing electricity from a renewable energy source is the next best thing. With these favorable poll results, the hope is that the federal government will support private and public investment in renewable energy projects at all scales.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Stimulus Money to Help Finance Kahuku Wind Farm
Although First Wind has held meetings with the community, there are concerns by neighbors of noise pollution and shadows broadcast by the more than 200-foot tall turbine towers. A 1000-foot buffer requirement that is being proposed in the state legislature (Senate Bill 2526) may not be sufficient to minimize these impacts, but there are other procedures and regulations in place to deal with these concerns...more at the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.